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Amazon Sponsored Brands Attributed Purchases Report

The Sponsored Brands Attributed Purchases Report is an essential report provided by Amazon for advertisers utilizing Sponsored Brands campaigns. This report provides detailed information on Sponsored Brands campaigns, including attribution type, purchased ASIN, total orders, total sales, and total units.

Additionally, the report includes various metrics related to new-to-brand (NTB) orders for every purchased ASIN:

NTB sales

NTB orders

NTB units

% of sales NTB

% of orders NTB

% of units NTB

About The Report

Through the Sponsored Brands Attributed Purchases report, advertisers can gain a better understanding of which ASINs their customers bought after viewing a SB ad—and how many of those customers were first-time buyers of that brand. The SB Attributed Purchases report unlocks new-to-brand metrics in terms of sales, orders, and units.

Ultimately, this report helps you to:

  • Understand the high-converting products from your SB campaigns
  • Surface new advertising opportunities
  • See which products are engaging new-to-brand customers

The most unique feature of this report is the attribution type data, which identifies how your ASINs were sold.

The attribution section of the report sorts your conversions into two buckets: either Promoted sales (meaning that the purchased ASIN was advertised through the SB campaign and was part of the SB creative) or Brand Halo sales (meaning that the purchased ASIN is not part of SB creative, but the ASIN purchase journey was through your SB ad).

Amazon’s Brand Halo attribution is especially meaningful because it captures indirect conversions. A product purchased through Brand Halo can be any ASIN on your store page, product listing, or any of your own product ads on the PDP.

To access the Sponsored Brands Attributed Purchase Report, advertisers can log in to their Amazon Advertising account, navigate to the Reports tab, select the report category as Sponsored Brands, and choose “Attributed Purchases” as the report type.

The SB Attributed Purchases Report can be customized to display data for a specific date range. You can schedule it either to run now, in the future, or in a recurring manner.

How to Leverage the Reports

The Sponsored Brands Attributed Purchases Report allows you to optimize your existing SB campaigns and analyze product performance.

  • The Drive New-To-Brand Customers: The report provides ASIN-level data on new-to-brand conversions. We can use the new-to-brand metrics to identify which ASINs are contributing the most to new customer acquisition. From there, we can create separate campaigns for these ASINs through brand awareness campaigns to gain a larger share of new customers.
  • Identifying Best products for SB Creative: The report provided attribution type data for each purchased ASIN. As we discussed earlier, there are two types of attribution type:

    - Promoted:
    The purchased ASIN is part of the SB creative.

    - Brand Halo:
    The purchased ASIN is not part of SB creative, but the ASIN purchase journey was through your SB ad.

Of these two attribution models, the Brand Halo purchases are the most unique. We can use the Brand Halo attribution to identify which ASINs are grabbing the attention of your customers the most. Since these products are proven to be more popular with shoppers, we can add these halo ASINs to our existing SB creatives or launch SBV campaigns for them.

Overall, the Amazon Sponsored Brands Attributed Purchases Report is valuable for advertisers seeking to optimize their performance on the Amazon marketplace. This report is the only way to identify certain key metrics, like the share of new-to-brand customers who bought a product from your SB campaigns.

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