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Matched Target Report for Sponsored Display Campaigns

The Matched Target Report is how advertisers can unlock detailed insights about the product pages on which their Sponsored Display ads are actually appearing.

About The Report

The Matched Target Report is how advertisers can unlock detailed insights about the product pages on which their Sponsored Display ads are actually appearing.

The Matched Target Report is available through the list of downloadable reports within the Amazon Console and Amazon Ads API. Both Vendors and Registered Sellers can use it to see how their ad targets are faring.

This report only tracks ads for which there was at least one click. It breaks down your performance on either the campaign, ad group, or target levels. With this report, you can also analyze your campaign based on the specific categories on which your ads are appearing. That latter data set is very helpful if you want to target your SD ads based on categories—for example, Toys.

How to Leverage the Reports

So how can you use this report to optimize your ad campaigns? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Understand the nuances of your Sponsored Display campaigns: Typically, Sponsored Display ads are shown in someone else’s product pages based on Amazon’s algorithm. But until recently, the set of product pages where those ads were actually appearing was a black box. Now, with the Matched Targeting Report, advertisers can see which specific products, categories, and dynamic segments are driving the most bang for their buck with their Sponsored Display ads.
  2. Refine your offensive advertising strategy: This report will help brands identify the rival products against which they have a strong competitive advantage. If your Sponsored Display ads on a particular rival’s product pages are performing well, it might be worth launching a low-budget campaign targeting those specific products. Because you’ve already proven your ads are effective against these competitor products, you can pull incremental market share away from those vulnerable rivals.
  3. Improve Sponsored Product keyword targeting campaigns: While reviewing the matched ASINs, advertisers can identify new keywords which can be leveraged in other sponsored ad campaigns they run—for example, their Sponsored Products keyword targeting campaigns.

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