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Amazon Repeat Purchase Behavior Report

The Repeat Purchase Behavior report is a critical tool for Amazon customer analytics. This report provides data related to the total number of repeat customers who ordered from you, the share of orders that came from repeat customers, the number of repeated ordered units, and the sales by repeated purchases. By examining these metrics, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customer base and develop strategies to enhance customer retention and drive repeat sales.

About The Report

Amazon's Repeat Purchase Behavior report provides insights into the purchase behavior of customers on the brand level and on the product level. 

The Repeat Purchase Behavior report is a critical tool for Amazon customer analytics. This report provides data related to the total number of repeat customers who ordered from you, the share of orders that came from repeat customers, the number of repeated ordered units, and the sales by repeated purchases. By examining these metrics, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customer base and develop strategies to enhance customer retention and drive repeat sales. 

The report may also highlight trends and patterns in purchasing behavior, enabling businesses to optimize their product offerings, pricing strategies, and ad campaigns to effectively target and engage repeat customers. Overall, Amazon's Repeat Purchase Behavior report empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions that optimize customer relationships and maximize sales potential on Amazon.

There are two views available in this report: 

  1. Brand view
  2. ASIN view

You can select your time range to be either weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly. You can also filter this data by brand or by ASINs.

To access the Repeat Purchase Behavior Report, sellers can log in to their Seller Central/Vendor Central account —> Navigate to the Brands tab —> Select Brand Analytics —> Under Consumer Behavior Analytics, select Repeat Purchases. 

You can view this report on the platform, or download the data in an Excel format.

How to Use the Repeat Purchase Behavior Report

Savvy usage of the Amazon Repeat Purchase Behavior Report can help you optimize advertising performance, understand customer behavior for your products, and develop strategies to enhance customer retention and repeat purchases. 

When you look at the Repeat Purchases Report, you can use it: 

  1. Analyze purchase patterns: Review the report to identify patterns in repeat purchases. Look for trends such as the total number of repeat purchases, the products that are most frequently repurchased, and the total number of repeat orders. This information can help you understand your customers’ preferences and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.
  2. Improve product listings: Use the data to refine your product listings. By comparing your listings that have a high repeat order rate against those with a lower repeat rate, you can understand what is working and what isn’t. From there, you can optimize your lower-performing listings.
  3. Enhance customer experience: Identify pain points that might prevent customers from making repeat purchases. After identifying which ASINs have the low repeat rate, you can review common issues like product quality, delivery, customer service, and so on. Address these concerns to enhance the overall customer experience and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases.
  4. Offer subscription options: If your products are consumables or have a predictable usage cycle, consider offering subscription options. You can offer subscriptions for products with high repeat purchases. Subscriptions can simplify the purchasing process for customers and ensure a steady stream of repeat revenue for your business.
  5. Implement SD retargeting strategies: Utilize Sponsored Display (SD) retargeting ads to reach customers who have previously made purchases. Retargeting can help keep your brand top of mind and drive repeat purchases.
  6. Optimize inventory management: With insights from the report, adjust your inventory levels to meet the demand for products that are frequently repurchased. Avoid stockouts to ensure that customers can consistently buy their preferred products.
  7. Monitor changes and adjust strategies: Regularly review and analyze the repeat purchase report to track the effectiveness of your strategies. Be open to adapting your approach based on changing customer behavior and market dynamics.

In essence, Amazon's repeat purchase report gives you the tools to increase customer engagement and optimize your listing strategies in order to encourage multiple purchases. If you implement these strategies, the end result is increased customer loyalty and lifetime value to your brand.

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