Amazon Posts – Are We Using This Incredible Feature Yet?


Keeping the brand’s presence alive on Amazon to engage new customers or keeping loyal customers updated with interesting information has been an area of concern for brand owners. Amazon, working as a Genie to the advertisers’ requirements & demands, came up with a marvelous feature to let the brands speak for themselves – Amazon Posts.

What are Amazon Posts?

Ever imagined Amazon as a social media platform (maybe like Instagram) too? This is what Amazon Posts is all about. A beautiful and creative amalgamation of the big giant e-commerce also serving as a social media platform, giving the customers a chance to scroll through the shoppable feeds and giving brands a chance to keep building & boosting their brand’s awareness.

Just create attractive & engaging posts – publish them on Amazon and let them feed the growing hunger of consumers to know more about your brand on the platform.

Key Features

First and foremost, Amazon Posts are FREE.

Yes, you read that right. Brands can use this creative and promising feature of Amazon without paying a penny.
Since Amazon posts are still in the beta phase, they are only available in a few marketplaces right now – in the US, SE, PL, and EG, for advertisers who are either Vendor or Seller enrolled with Amazon Brand Registry. Not to forget, a store page for your brand is a must to use Amazon Posts.

Amazon Posts is currently available on the Amazon mobile shopping app and the mobile web.

The posts will appear in four different spaces:

  1. Brand Feed
  2. Category Feed
  3. Related Product Feed
  4. Product Details Page

Another brilliant feature is scheduling your posts. You can create engaging content for any upcoming event, no matter how small or big it might be, and just schedule it to go live during those events. Doing so can act as an eye-catcher for the customers.

How to get started with Amazon Posts?

Just follow these steps and you will be ready to post and rock n roll.

  1. Visit and sign in using your advertising console or Seller Central credentials.
  2. Create your profile by verifying your brand name and uploading your brand’s logo.
  3. Start creating your posts by uploading images, writing captions, and tagging related products.

Use the best of your content and attractive lifestyle images to attract customers.


This promising feature from Amazon has been active since 2019 yet, is not being used to its full potential by brands. The feature is lucrative, feeds the monstrous hunger of the consumers to “know more” and serves your purpose to grow your brand’s awareness.

Though the placement of these posts is not in brand’s control, this should not stop you from using this feature.

Get started with it already and use this feature as a catalyst to your Advertising on Amazon.

You might also like the post – Five reasons you should be using Amazon Posts right now.


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