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If you’re a brand, you’re probably still fleshing out your strategy for Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC).
You already spend on DSP, and you want to better understand and measure the impact of your advertising dollars, such as through path to conversion, New-to-Brand metrics, and more.
You can do all of this in AMC. The problem is, unlocking these actions in AMC requires specialist knowledge of SQL, not to mention tons of time to test and validate the result.
There are also so many different use cases of AMC that figuring out where to start can be intimidating.
Need some help? Intentwise has been showing major brands how to integrate with AMC since it launched, and in this webinar, we want to share our secrets. We’re highlighting for brands how to create a smart AMC strategy.
We discuss:
Again and again, we see brands run into the same handful of issues when they begin using AMC. They are:
In order for brand owners to get the most out of AMC, we have a few recommendations: