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On-Demand Webinar: The brand’s guide to Amazon Marketing Cloud


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On-Demand Webinar: The brand’s guide to Amazon Marketing Cloud

Intentwise has been showing major brands how to integrate with AMC since it launched, and in this webinar, we want to share our secrets. We’re highlighting for brands how to create a smart AMC strategy.
October 10, 2023
Sreenath Reddy​

If you’re a brand, you’re probably still fleshing out your strategy for Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC). 

You already spend on DSP, and you want to better understand and measure the impact of your advertising dollars, such as through path to conversion, New-to-Brand metrics, and more.  

You can do all of this in AMC. The problem is, unlocking these actions in AMC requires specialist knowledge of SQL, not to mention tons of time to test and validate the result. 

There are also so many different use cases of AMC that figuring out where to start can be intimidating. 

Need some help? Intentwise has been showing major brands how to integrate with AMC since it launched, and in this webinar, we want to share our secrets. We’re highlighting for brands how to create a smart AMC strategy.

We discuss: 

The biggest challenges with AMC for brands

Again and again, we see brands run into the same handful of issues when they begin using AMC. They are: 

  • Marketers have to know SQL in order to run queries. 
  • Outputs from AMC come back as .CSV files. Those files are easy to analyze one at a time, but, as you run multiple queries, they are hard to scale. 
  • It’s difficult to incorporate your own campaign and DSP classification systems into your AMC analysis. You probably have your own naming conventions to track your campaigns internally, and you want to be sure those internal naming structures transfer to AMC. 

The paths to success on AMC for brands

In order for brand owners to get the most out of AMC, we have a few recommendations: 

  • Think of AMC as an exploration tool, not a reporting tool. 
  • Conduct ongoing training within your teams focused on AMC, audience creation, and SQL. 
  • Find ways to carry over your internal metadata, such as your naming conventions for your campaigns, into AMC. If you break out remarketing vs. awareness campaigns internally, for example, be sure your campaigns are all named in unique ways so those differences are easy to track in AMC, too.  
  • Most importantly, before you start, frame your key questions for AMC. What do you want to answer? Generating those questions makes AMC much less daunting. 
Sreenath Reddy​
CEO, Founder
Sreenath is the founder of Intentwise. He has over 20 years of experience in digital advertising and data analytics. He is an expert at all things related to Amazon advertising.

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