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On-Demand Webinar: Actionable Use Cases of Amazon Marketing Cloud


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On-Demand Webinar: Actionable Use Cases of Amazon Marketing Cloud

In this webinar, Matt Wiklund, the co-founder of Ad Advance, joined Intentwise CEO Sreenath Reddy to talk through the critical use cases of AMC that you can implement right now.
July 20, 2023
Sreenath Reddy​

Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) has so much to offer that it might be a bit intimidating. Newer users often wonder, how can they leverage AMC in the short term? What are the biggest benefits to their business? What are the most action-oriented data points for them to uncover? 

In this webinar, Matt Wiklund, the co-founder of Ad Advance, joined Intentwise CEO Sreenath Reddy to talk through the critical use cases of AMC that you can implement right now. 

Watch the video to discover:

When to change your attribution system 

Throughout Amazon’s ad ecosystem, the default attribution model is last-touch attribution. That means only the last ad that a customer views or clicks before converting gets credit for a sale. 

The problem is, many people see multiple ads on their journey. If you have a good top-of-funnel campaign, the success of that campaign might get ignored. 

AMC lets you unlock two new attribution types: 

  • First touch, where the first ad a customer interacts with gets credit for a sale
  • Linear touch, where each ad a customer interacts with on their journey gets assigned equal credit for a sale

What alternate attribution models can tell you 

If you’re running a lot of bottom-of-funnel Sponsored Products campaigns, switching attribution models may not make sense.

If you’re running a top-funnel-focused ad campaign, however, you might consider evaluating other attribution models.

Let’s say you do switch attribution models, and you discover that there isn’t a lot of overlap between shoppers who see your top-of-funnel ad and those that eventually buy from your brand. This probably suggests something is wrong with your ad campaign. 

The best audiences to create in AMC

A key feature of AMC is that it lets you build an audience of your choice. You can then re-target this audience with DSP ads. 

The potential is infinite—but we think some of the best kinds of custom audiences focus on the following:

  • Cart abandonment: If someone adds a product to cart but hasn’t purchased it, you might want to send them DSP ads after a certain number of days. 
  • Single or multiple page views: Choose between groups that have visited your product page only once (a cold audience) and those that have visited multiple times (a very warm audience). People who viewed your product page multiple times may be likely to make a purchase organically. Those that have only viewed it once might need an ad-based intervention to convert. 
  • Loyal shoppers who are flirting with competitors: You could build an audience that pairs competitor ASIN views with people who have made multiple purchases in your brand. If someone who regularly buys from you recently viewed a competitor product page, you might consider sending them a tailored ad to win them back. 
Sreenath Reddy​
CEO, Founder
Sreenath is the founder of Intentwise. He has over 20 years of experience in digital advertising and data analytics. He is an expert at all things related to Amazon advertising.

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